If you have recently noticed a guy staring at you without smiling you are probably wondering what it meant.

This post will try to help you figure that out and to help you make sense of it as it happens in the future.

So, what does it mean if a guy stares at you without smiling? Possible causes of a guy staring at you without smiling are that he is attracted to you, he is mad at you, he’s thinking about you or he might be thinking and looking in your direction.

Since there are actually a number of different reasons that a guy might stare at you without smiling it will be necessary for you to look at the other body language signals that he is showing.

By doing so you will be able to get a better understanding of the emotions behind why he did it.

Why a guy might stare at you without smiling

Each of the different reasons why a guy might stare at you without smiling will likely come with a number of different body language signals.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy might stare at you without smiling along with the body language signals to look for.


One reason that a guy might stare at you without smiling is that he finds you attractive.

If that was the case then it could have been that he wanted to talk to you but he was too nervous to do so. If you want him to approach you then, when he looks at you, smile back and assume an open stance where you’re not crossing your arms or legs.

If he was attracted to you then it would be likely that he would also have shown multiple other signs of attraction when he was doing it. When he does talk to you he would likely show many other signs of attraction as well.

These can include:

  • Pointing his feet towards you
  • Standing or sitting with his feet wide apart with the hands on the hips
  • Speaking with a deeper voice than usual
  • Looking at your lips
  • Touching you more than others
  • Standing close to you
  • Staying in your general area
  • Having dilated pupils when with you
  • Showing signs of nervousness when talking to you such as frequent blinking, or rubbing behaviors such as rubbing the nose, eyes, cheeks, neck, arms or legs
  • Showing signs of anxiousness when you’re with other men
  • Holding eye contact with you for longer than usual
  • Talking to you more than others

He’s mad

The reason that a guy might stare at you without smiling could be that he is mad at you.

If this is the case then he will be a guy that you know personally and it would happen after either arguing with him about something or doing or saying something that he doesn’t like.

If he was mad at you then he would likely show it in his body language.

Body language signals of being mad due to not being happy can include:

  • Squinting
  • Crossing the arms and legs
  • Facing the feet away
  • Avoiding talking to you
  • Giving you one-word answers
  • Narrowing the eyebrows
  • Pupil constriction
  • Tight lips
  • Distancing
  • Flaring the nostrils
  • Loud quick breathing
  • Clenched jaw
  • Resting the chin on the fists

As a warning

One reason that he might stare at you without smiling could be that he is warning you not to approach him.

This would be more likely to happen in a situation where he feels like he is being threatened or if he is working at a guard or a police officer.

He was thinking

One reason that he might have stared at you without smiling could be that he was thinking about something.

If that was the case then he likely wouldn’t have reacted when you caught him since he wasn’t actually looking at you.

If he was just thinking then he likely would have had a neutral expression on his face and he would likely have been showing a neutral body shape.

That is unless he was thinking about something that mad him angry or even happy. In that case, he might even have shown signs of anger or attraction even though he wasn’t actually looking at you.

If he was looking at you for one of those reasons it is likely that he would have reacted when he noticed that you saw him.

He was looking at you but without wanting to talk

It could be that he did find you attractive but he didn’t actually intend to come and talk to you.

In this case, he still likely would have shown some signs of attraction such as pointing his feet at you but he wouldn’t have responded to any of your own cues.

Someone told him something about you

If the guy that was staring at you without smiling was with some people that know you then it could be the case that he was looking at you because they were telling him about you.

If that was the case, then he may or may not have been attracted to you but it would be very hard to tell based on that one event.

Think about the location

The location that the guy stared and smiled at you in would likely be of a lot of use for you when trying to figure out why he did it.

If you have never met him before and he did it in a social environment such as a bar or a party then it would make it a lot more likely that he did it due to attraction. But, even then, it would still be important for you to consider his other body language signals he might have just been looking in your general direction.

Whereas, if it was in a more formal environment such as in a meeting then it would make it more likely that they were thinking about you in a non-sexual way. Still, their other body language signals might have suggested otherwise which is why it’s important to consider their body language as a whole.

Think about your relationship with him

The type of relationship that you have with the guy will also be a useful thing to think about when trying to figure out why he might have been staring at you without smiling.

If he was your boss then it would be more likely that either he was thinking about you or he was mad at you. Although, he still might have done it due to attraction so you should consider how he interacts with you and the body language signals that he shows when he does.

If he was your friend then it would be more likely that either he was telling his friends about you, he was mad at you or even that he just wanted you to notice him (although he probably would have smiled).

If you didn’t know him then it would make it a bit harder to figure out why he did it but it could have been that he was attracted to you or he might have been thinking. If he was attracted to you then he would likely have shown some of the signals of attraction and he likely would have reacted when you saw him and looked at you multiple times.

Consider his normal behavior

When trying to make sense of people’s body language signals it is important to consider the way in which it deviates from their normal body language.

If the guy has a tendency to stare then it wouldn’t mean a lot if he stared at you without showing any different body language signals to normal.

If he doesn’t tend to do it then it would be a stronger indicator that he was thinking about you in some way. You should consider what other body language signals were different to figure out why.


What does it mean when a guy stares at you a lot? If he does it often then it would be a stronger signal that he finds you attractive. In this case, you should look at the other body language signals that he is showing in order to get confirmation of that.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions.


I created and currently manage Body Language Central, one of the premier sources for body language-related knowledge. Body language plays a key role in our daily lives. I hope that my website can help condense the wide amount of body language information available and allow you to make full use of it in your daily life. You can read more about me and my website here.