If you have recently noticed a guy staring at you from a distance then you’re probably wondering what it might mean.
In this post, I will give you a number of reasons that a guy might stare at you from a distance and try to help you figure it out as it happens in the future.
So, what does it mean when a guy stares at you from a distance? Possible causes of a guy staring at you and smiling are that he is attracted to you, he thinks you’re looking at him or that he is thinking and just looking in your direction.
Since there are a number of reasons why a guy might stare at you from a distance it is important to consider the other body language signals that he was showing.
By doing so you will be able to get a better idea of the motivations that he had for doing it.
Reasons why a guy might stare at you from a distance
There are a number of reasons why a guy might stare at you from a distance and each of them will likely come with a number of clues in their body language.
Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy might stare at you from a distance along with the body language signals to look for.
He’s attracted to you
The reason that he stared at you from a distance could be that he is attracted to you.
If this was the case he didn’t come and talk to you then it would suggest he was feeling too nervous. If you want him to then consider smiling when you meet eyes with him in the future to appear more approachable.
If he was attracted to you then it would be likely that he would also be showing signs of attraction when he is around you.
- Eyes
When people are with people that they are attracted to it will cause them to do some things with their eyes that they wouldn’t normally do.
When a person is looking at someone that they find attractive it can cause their pupils to dilate. This means that if you notice that the guy tends to have dilated pupils when he is with you then it would suggest that he is attracted to you.
Another thing that people begin to do when they are attracted to each other is something called “mutual gazing” which is where they hold eye contact for longer than normal.
If the guy tends to look into your eyes for longer than usual when talking to you then it would be another signal of attraction. When looking at you he would also be less likely to be squinting or tensing with the eyebrows.
Additionally, if he was staring at you due to attraction, then it would also be likely that he would give numerous other glances in your direction when he is not standing next to you.
- Feet
You might not have thought it but the feet can actually tell you a lot about what a person might be thinking. People learn ways to control their facial expressions but they rarely consider what their feet might be showing.
If he was staring at you because he finds you attractive then he would also likely have been pointing his feet at you. This is because people will often point their feet in the direction that they would like to go even when sitting or standing still.
Furthermore, when talking to you it would also be a signal of attraction if you notice that he tends to touch you feet with his and if he tends to point his toes upwards.
- Talking
When men talk to women that they find attractive it has been shown that they will talk with a deeper voice than usual. This is likely to be because it signals that they have lots of testosterone.
It was also found that they will, occasionally, talk in a higher pitch voice at times as well. This could be because it allows them to show that they are not a threat.
This means that if the guy tends to talk with a deeper voice, when he is talking to you, and he occasionally goes high pitched then it would suggest that he is attracted.
When talking to you he would also likely stand closer to you than he normally stands when talking with his other friends.
Additionally, he would be more likely to ask you questions more than others and he would be more likely to talk to you in an open-ended way that furthers the conversation.
- Mirroring
When people are attracted to someone they will often begin to mirror their behaviors.
If the guy was staring at a distance at you due to attraction then it is possible that he would also mirror your behaviors.
There are many ways that people mirror others but he could have copied your stance, walk, hand gestures or smile. Reciprocating any touches would also be a type of mirroring and a signal of attraction.
- Stance
When talking to you he would likely have a more open stance with the legs apart possibly with the hands on the hips.
However, if he also gets nervous, when talking to you, then he would also likely show that in his stance so he might cross the legs and arms.
- Touching
If the guy is attracted to you then it would be likely that he touches you more than others and that he finds excuses to touch you.
- Smile
When talking to you he would be more likely to be smiling if he is attracted to you.
Also when laughing he might look at you to see if you also found it funny.
- Nervousness
If he is attracted to you then it might be the case that he shows signs of nervousness when talking to you.
These can include rubbing the eyes, face, neck, arms or legs, fidgeting, frequently blinking, having a dry mouth, gulping and finger or foot tapping.
He’s mad at you
If you have recently had an argument with the guy or if you have recently done something that might have annoyed him then he might have been staring due to being mad at you.
If this was the case then he would likely have shown it with other aspects of his body language.
Possible body language signals that he would also have been showing could include:
- Crossing the arms and legs
- Constricted pupils
- Tight lips
- Tense jaw
- Redness of the face
- Squinting
- Tightening the eyebrows
- Pointing the feet away from you
- Giving short answers without asking any questions
As a warning
In some situations, the staring could be as a warning to prevent you from going near him.
If this is the case then he would have likely had a more aggressive appearance or he might have been working as a policeman or guard.
He’s thinking
It could have been the case that he was thinking about something and he was looking in your direction.
If this was the case then he would likely have been showing a neutral facial expression and other aspects likely would have appeared neutral.
When you noticed him he likely wouldn’t have reacted since he wasn’t staring directly at you.
Someone told him something about you
One reason that people will occasionally stare at other people is that someone told them something about them.
If one of your friends were with him or other people that you know where with him then they might have been talking about you.
Consider the location
The location that it occurred in would likely be of use in trying to figure out why he did it.
If it was in a social location such as at a party or a bar then it would be a lot more likely that he did it due to attraction.
Whereas, if it was in a more formal location such as at work then he might have been thinking about you in a business context.
Consider your relationship with the guy
Your relationship with the guy that was staring at you will have a big impact on the possible reasons that he was doing it.
If it was a guy that you recently had an argument with then it would make it much more likely that he was staring at you due to being mad at you.
If the guy was your boss then he might well have been looking at you due to attraction but it would be a lot more likely that he did it due to thinking about you in a business context.
If it was your friend then he might have been telling people about you or he might have been hoping that you would notice him.
If it was a guy that you haven’t met before then it would be necessary for you to consider what other aspects of his body language where saying.
Think about his normal behavior
When trying to understand the meaning of a person’s body language it would be helpful to know what their normal body language looks like.
If he has a habit of staring and he wasn’t showing any different body language signals than he normally does then it could just have been that he was thinking or that he naturally does that.
Whereas, if it isn’t something that he normally does then he might have been trying to get you to notice him or might have been attracted to you. It would be important for you to consider what other aspects of his body language appeared different to figure it out.
What does it mean when a guy stares at you from across the room? It could mean that he is attracted to you, he was mad, he was thinking or that he was told something about you. It would be important for you to consider other aspects of his body language to figure out the exact reason.
If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions.