If a girl recently gave you her number but didn’t respond to your text then you are probably wondering why and what it might mean.
This post will show you why she might have given you her number and not reply and why other girls might do the same in the future.
So, why would a girl give you her number and not answer? It would likely be because she was just being polite when she gave you her number especially if she was showing signs of disinterest and not many signs of attraction. She might also have not seen your message, forgot to reply or she might have given you the wrong number.
There are actually a number of different things to consider when trying to understand why she didn’t reply and there are a number of different body language signs that you can look for that will give you clues.
Why a girl gave you her number and didn’t reply
Each of the different reasons why a girl will give you her number and not reply will likely come with a number of clues in the way that she did it and the body language that she showed.
Below, I will show you a number of reasons why a girl will give you her number and not reply, the signs to look for and the things to consider.
She was just being polite
The reason that she gave you her number could have been that she was just being polite and that she was actually rejecting you. She might also have been interested when she gave you her number but she has since changed her mind.
This would be more likely if you were the one that asked for her number or if you asked for her number after only having spoken to her for a few minutes.
It would also be more likely if she was not showing many signs of attraction when she gave you her number.
Signs of attraction could include things such as:
- Brushing her hair to the side when talking to you
- Holding prolonged eye contact with you
- Touching you a lot
- Standing closer to you than she does with other people
- Asking you the most questions
- Having dilated pupils when looking at you
- Adjusting her appearance when she sees you
- Glancing at you a lot
- Giggling a lot when talking to you
- Stroking her hair when talking to you
It would also be more likely that she was just giving you her number to be polite if she was showing signs of disinterest such as:
- Crossing her arms
- Looking away a lot
- Distancing herself from you
- Only smiling at the mouth
- Giving short answers
- Pointing her feet away from you
She didn’t see the message
It could be the case that she didn’t reply because she didn’t see the message.
This would be more likely if you only texted her once and if it hasn’t been very long since you texted her. If you only texted her once then you could try again but at a different time.
She is annoyed with you
It could be the case that she didn’t reply because she is annoyed with you.
This would be more likely if you have known her for a while and if something happened recently that might have annoyed her.
If she is annoyed with you then she might show it, in her body language, when she is around you by doing things such as:
- Squinting at you
- Crossing her arms when she sees you
- Tightening her lips when looking at you
- Avoiding eye contact
- Giving you short answers
She gave you the wrong number
It is a possibility that she gave you the wrong number.
This would be more likely if she gave you it quickly or if she told you her number when it was noisy.
In this case, if she does like you, then it would be likely that she would show signs of attraction if you see her again.
Consider how she reacts to seeing you
When trying to understand how she feels about you it would help to consider the way that she reacts to seeing you.
If she reacts to seeing you by changing her body language in a positive or negative way then it would make it much more likely that she has good or bad feelings about you.
If she reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:
- Raising her eyebrows and smiling
- Positioning herself to be nearer to you
- Adjusting her appearance
- Adjusting her posture
- Holding eye contact with you
- Pointing her feet at you
Then it would make it more likely that she is interested in you.
Whereas, if she reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:
- Avoiding eye contact
- Crossing her arms
- Squinting
- Distancing herself from you
Then it would be more likely that she has negative feelings about you.
Consider who asked for the number
It would also help to consider who asked for who’s number.
If you were the one that asked for her number then it would make it more likely that she gave you it because she was just being polite. This would be especially likely if she didn’t show many signs of attraction or she showed signs of disinterest.
If she asked for your number then it would make it more likely that she either missed your message or she gave you the wrong number by mistake.
Consider how well you know her
It would also help to consider how well you know her.
If she gave you her number and it was the first time that you had met her then it would make it more likely that she was being polite to you or that she was interested and that she has since lost interest.
If she gave you her number and you have known her for a while then it would make it more likely that she didn’t see your message or she forgot to reply. It could still be the case that she was just being polite if she doesn’t tend to show many positive signs with you.
Consider multiple aspects of her body language
When considering what her body language could have been showing it would help to consider multiple aspects of it at the same time.
If she only showed one body language sign of attraction then it wouldn’t normally be very reliable since single body language signs can have multiple different meanings.
Whereas, if she showed multiple body language signs of attraction then it would make it more likely that she is actually attracted to you.
If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions.