If you have noticed that a certain guy stares into your eyes while talking with you, you’re probably wondering why he does it.
This article will show you why he would stare into your eyes while talking to you and help you to figure it out when it happens in the future.
So, what does it mean when he stares into my eyes while talking? Possible causes of a guy staring into your eyes without smiling are that he’s being dominant, he’s annoyed with you, mirroring your own behavior or he might be doing it naturally.
Since there are a number of reasons why a guy might stare into your eyes while talking with you it is important to consider the other body language signals that he shows while doing it.
Reasons why a guy will stare into your eyes while talking
Each of the different reasons why a guy will stare into your eyes while talking will likely come with a number of clues in his body language.
Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy will stare into your eyes while talking and show you the body language signals to look for with them.
He is attracted to you
If he only seems to stare into your eyes for a long time and he doesn’t do it with other women then it would make it likely that he does it because he finds you attractive.
If he does stare into your eyes while talking to you because he finds you attractive then it would be likely that he would show it in other ways as well.
These ways can include:
- Having dilated pupils while staring at you
- Standing close to you when staring and talking with you
- Touching you more than he does with others
- Pointing his feet towards you even when he’s not in front of you
- Talking to you more than he does with other people in the group
- Mirroring your body language
- Talking with a deeper voice
- Blinking more frequently than normal
- Looking at your lips
- Showing signs of being slightly stressed when you’re with other men such as rubbing behaviors, watching you with other men or fidgeting a lot
- Adjusting his clothing or hair when he notices you
- Staring at you then looking away quickly when you notice
- Standing near you when in a group
- Looking to see if you’re laughing when he is
He’s showing dominant behavior
Dominant people will often hold eye contact with people for longer than usual.
It could be the case that he was staring at you while talking to you because he was being dominant.
If he was being dominant then he would likely show it in a number of other ways such as:
- Squinting when staring at you
- Tightening the eyebrows when looking at you
- Tightening the lips when looking at you
- Clenching the jaw when staring at you
- Talking over people
- Interrupting people
- Touching things that aren’t theirs (including people)
- Taking up lots of space
- Positioning himself to always be at the center of interactions
It could be the case that he shows dominating signs but that he is also attracted to you. If that is the case then he would also show a number of the other signs of attraction mentioned in the section above.
He wants to be more than friends with you
If you have been friends with him for a while then it could be the case that he stares at you while talking because he actually is attracted to you.
If that is the case then it would be likely that he would also show signs of attraction when around you but you haven’t picked up on them.
It would also be more likely that he would show signs of being nervous when you’re with other men, that he would get defensive when other men are around and that he would have dilated pupils when looking at you.
It would also be likely that he would show signs of nervousness such as rubbing the eyes, arms, face, upper legs or neck when around you since he hasn’t been able to tell you that he likes you yet.
He’s annoyed with you
If you have recently had an argument with him then it could be the case that he was staring at you while talking because he was annoyed with you.
If he was then he would likely have also shown it in a number of other ways by doing things such as:
- Having constricted pupils
- Distancing himself from you
- Giving you short answers
- Tensing the lips and jaw
- Squinting
- Crossing the arms and legs
- Pointing the feet away from you
- A lack of smiling
He’s mirroring you
It could be the case that he was mirroring your own body language.
If he was then it would be likely that you stare into his eyes while talking and that you both hang around with the same people.
He would also likely other behaviors of yours such as:
- The way you smile
- Your facial gestures
- The way you stand and sit
- The pitch that you speak at
- The speed and way you walk
- Your hand gestures
If he is mirroring you then it could also be a sign that he is attracted to you. If he is then it would be likely that he would show numerous other signs of attraction in his body language.
He’s beginning to develop feelings for you
When a couple stares into each other’s eyes for longer than usual it is known as “mutual gazing.”
It could be that the reason that he is staring into your eyes while talking to you is that he is actually gazing at you.
If you have been dating him for a while then it would suggest that he wants to take the relationship further.
It’s normal behavior for him
It could just be the case that he naturally holds eye contact with people for longer than usual.
If that is the case then it would be likely that his body language wouldn’t change much when he is around you and that he would do it with other men and women as well.
Consider your relationship with him
When you’re trying to figure out why he stares into your eyes while talking with you it would be helpful to consider the type of relationship that you have with him.
If he has been your friend for a while and he has started to stare into your eyes while talking to you for longer than normal it would suggest that he finds you attractive.
If you have been dating him for a while and he has begun to stare into your eyes for longer than normal then it would suggest that he wants to take the relationship further.
If you hadn’t met him before then it could be the case that he does it naturally, he was attracted to you or that he was being dominant. He might even have been doing it due to a combination of all three. It would be very important, in this case, to consider multiple other body language signals that he was showing.
Think about the location that it happened in
If he stared into your eyes while talking and you were both alone together then it would be a stronger signal that he was doing it because he’s attracted to you.
Whereas, if he did it while other people were around then it would be necessary to consider the body language signals that he was showing because he could have been showing dominant behavior, attraction or that he was mirroring you.
Think about how he interacts with others
If you notice that he tends to stare into other people’s eyes while he is talking to them and he doesn’t change his behavior or body language when he’s around you then it would likely be normal behavior.
Whereas, if he doesn’t seem to do it around others and his body language does change around you then it would be more likely that he does it due to attraction, mirroring, domination or wanting more out of the relationship.
Think about groups of signals
As shown already there are a number of reasons that a guy might stare at you while talking. This means that drawing conclusions from single body language signals can be unreliable.
This is why, when you’re trying to figure out what a guy’s body language is suggesting, it is important to look for groups of body language signals all pointing towards the same thing.
For example, if he stares at you with dilated pupils while talking and he touches you more than others, he smiles at you a lot and he often looks at your lips it would be more reliable for you to assume that he’s attracted to you.
If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions.