If a guy talks to you for hours then you’re probably wondering what it means.

This post will help you figure out why he talks to you for hours and help you understand why other guys might do it in the future.

So, what does it mean when a guy talks to you for hours? A guy talking to you for hours could mean that he likes you especially if he only does it with you and if he shows other signs of attraction around you. It might also be that he is nervous, that he considers you a friend or that he is feeling sad.

Since there are a number of reasons why a guy will spend hours talking to you it is important to consider the body language he shows around you and the context of how he did it.

By doing so you’ll be able to get a better understanding of why he would talk to you for hours.

Reasons why a guy will talk to you for hours

Each of the different reasons why he will talk to you for hours will likely come with a number of clues in his body language and behavior.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy will talk to you for hours and the body language signs to expect to see with them.

He’s attracted to you

If he only talks to you for hours and he changes his body language and behavior around you then it would be likely that he is attracted to you.

The reason that talking to you for hours suggests that he is attracted to you is that it suggests that he is excited to be around you which is likely to be because he likes you.

If he is attracted to you then it would be likely that he would show it in his body language and behavior in other ways by doing things such as:

  • Mirroring your body language
  • Uncrossing his arms and legs when he sees you
  • Adjusting his clothing and hair when he sees you
  • Finding excuses to touch you
  • Having more dilated pupils than usual when he is around you
  • Holding extended eye contact with you
  • Standing close to you when talking to you
  • Pointing his feet at you
  • Sitting or standing more upright when he notices you
  • Showing signs of nervousness when talking to you (more below)
  • Getting anxious when you’re with other men and staying in the area when you are
  • Becoming defensive when other men are around
  • Keeping his focus on you when there are other people talking around you

He is nervous

The reason that he talks to you for hours could be that he gets slightly nervous around you.

Sometimes, when people are nervous, it will cause them to talk more and this could be why he talks to you a lot.

The reason that he gets nervous around you could be that he is attracted to you. If it is why he gets nervous around you then it would be likely that he would show signs of both nervousness and attraction in his behavior and body language.

If he does get nervous then some other signs that he might show could include:

  • Rubbing his arms, face, legs or neck often
  • Touching the front of his neck
  • Scratching the back of his neck
  • Having a dry mouth
  • Coughing
  • Struggling to maintain eye contact
  • Talking with an upwards inflection where he goes high pitched at the ends of sentences
  • Tapping his fingers and feet a lot
  • Fidgeting

He wants to be more than just friends

If he is your friend then the reason that he talks to you for hours could be that he wants to be more than just friends with you but he hasn’t had the courage to tell you yet.

If he does want to be in a relationship with you then it would be likely that he would show signs of attraction in his body language and behavior when he is around you but you might not have noticed them.

It would be especially likely that he would get anxious when you are with other men your age, get defensive when they are around and that he would make plans based on yours.

He enjoys your company

The reason that he talks to you for hours could simply be that he enjoys your company.

If he does but he isn’t attracted to you then it would be likely that he would show positive body language signals around you like uncrossing the arms and legs and smiling. However, he would be less likely to adjust his hair or clothing when he sees you, find excuses to touch you or hold prolonged eye contact with you.

He’s sad

The reason that he spoke to you for hours could be that he was feeling sad.

If he was then it would be likely that he was talking to you about something that made him feel sad and that he showed it in his body language by doing things such as taking deeper breaths, inhaling through the nose quickly and having watery eyes.

It would also be more likely that he would only have spoken to you for hours then and not at other times as well. If he does do it regularly then it would also suggest that he is attracted to you and you should consider the type of body language and behavior that he shows around you.

Consider how often he does it

How often he talks to you for hours will likely have an impact on the most probable reason that he does it.

If he rarely does it then it would be more likely that he does it due to being sad or being friendly.

Whereas, if he does it more often and he finds excuses to be with you then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you.

Consider how he reacts to seeing you

The way that he initially reacts to seeing you is something that is usually a useful thing to consider.

If he tends to uncross his arms and legs, sit up straight, raise his eyebrows and smile, hold prolonged eye contact with you, point his feet at you, position himself to be nearer to you and his pupils dilate then it would be likely that he is attracted to you.

Consider how he interacts with other people

It would also be helpful to consider how he interacts with other people and compare it to how he interacts with you.

If he talks to other people a lot and he shows the same body language around them as he does around you then it would be more likely that he has a more talkative personality.

Whereas, if he only does it with you and his body language becomes different around you then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you.

Consider multiple aspects of his body language

When trying to make sense of what a guy thinks of you it would be helpful to consider multiple aspects of his body language at a time.

The reason for that is that a single body language signal will often come with a number of different possible meanings. This can make it difficult to draw an accurate conclusion about his feelings towards you based on one signal.

Whereas, if he shows multiple body language signals that can mean the same thing then it would be more likely that it is the actual reason that he is showing them.


What does it mean if a guy likes talking to you? It could mean that he is attracted to you if he shows signs of it in his behavior and body language. It could also mean that he enjoys your company in which case he would show other positive body language signals towards you.

What does it mean when a guy talks to you on the phone for hours? It would likely mean that he likes you and you should consider if he shows signs of attraction when he is with you in person. It might also have been that he was sad in which case he would likely have only done it once.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions.


I created and currently manage Body Language Central, one of the premier sources for body language-related knowledge. Body language plays a key role in our daily lives. I hope that my website can help condense the wide amount of body language information available and allow you to make full use of it in your daily life. You can read more about me and my website here.